Tuesday, January 11, 2011

more snow days

most people love the idea of a snow day. my kids think a snow day is the greatest thing on earth. but for moms a snow day just means everyone is home all day and there is more laundry and dishes to wash. now, i know a lot of mom that love their kids being home all day. but for me, i need my older 3 boys to go to school for the 7-8 hours that they go every day. our house is just to small to be stuck inside all day. but that is another story for another blog.

yesterday we got 3-4 inches of snow. brian was home which made the day so much easier than i know today will be (he's at work today). we had a blast playing in our front yard in the snow. i bet we played out there for 3 hours or so. we had snowball fights, built our biggest snowman, pulled each other around on our super old sled, made snow angels, and sprayed the snow purple with a little water and food coloring. i was surprised how long everyone stayed out there without complaint. even kaleb was having a blast throwing snowballs. i think he carried his spray bottle around all morning and covered the entire yard. he also got a huge kick out of making snow angels. i love when God gives us those fun family moments that makes me think "we really are a family!" after several of us were soaked through we came inside for some much needed hot chocolate while i started our 400 pounds of laundry. we snuggled under blankets on the couch and settled in for some narnia. we figured it was a perfect movie to watch on such a snowy day.  in order to get some more energy out without going outside we played some competitive wii fit games. the boys had a lot of fun flapping their wings like a chicken, doing a little downhill skiing, and heading soccer balls without letting the giant stuffed pandas knock you down. it was hilarious. we ended the night with all the guys watching the SEC championship game while i got warm under my electric blanket. it was a fun day.

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