Tuesday, October 13, 2009

continuing to be patient

we want to thank everyone who has been petitioning before God about our adoption. i know several weeks ago we asked everyone to pray with us and believe that God would bring our son home soon. well, even though we have had some word from our adoption agency nothing has resulted in bringing home our child. we continue to wait and pray that God would bring him soon.

it's now been over a year since we began our domestic adoption journey. sometimes it doesn't seem like that long ago and other times it seems like a lifetime ago. it's hard to wait longer than the "natural" 9 months for a child. it's hard not to disappointed and frustrated that this is taking this long. and i continue to rest in God's perfect timing and i trust that this is all worth the wait. all of that is easier said than done. thank you for standing in the gap for us and waiting patiently with us. God is writing the story that will bring him the most glory!

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